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Commodities Trading

Learning to trade commodities is essential for anyone wishing to become a successful investor.

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Learn to Trade Commodities

Commodities make up some of the most important assets available and are often an integral part of an investor’s portfolio. For this reason, we highly recommend that you make the Commodities Trading course one of your first choices when learning to trade online.

What are commodities?

Commodities are primarily raw materials, often used for energy consumption or industry. Some examples of commodities including oil, gold, silver, coffee and natural gas. Oil and gold are the two most popular commodities available for trade. Gold is considered a safe haven asset, favored by traders during times of uncertainty in the markets. Oil is considered by some traders as an ideal commodities due to its rapid fluctuations that cause unlimited profit opportunities.

Commodities trading course

70Trades offers you a beginner’s level course that will teach you everything you need to learn about commodities and how to incorporate them into to your investment portfolio. While trading commodities is by no means easy, this course can help you avoid common mistakes and increase your chances of earning a profit.

Register for the 70Trades course for free and learn:

  • doneThe benefits of commodity trading
  • donePlatform trading options
  • doneCommodity market analysis
  • donePortfolio development
  • doneHow to hedge gold
  • doneOil trading opportunities

Different types of commodities

Gold: Traders often use gold to ‘park’ some of their investment capital during uncertain time in the markets. Gold has become one of the most popular investments in the last several years due to growing mistrust of major currencies.

Crude Oil: Known affectionately as black gold, oil has become a major factor global trading. Rapid price movements due to political events and weather often provide profit opportunities.

Sugar: Sugar prices are often influenced by weather patterns and growing seasons. Sugar is one of the more popular food commodities available and is often considered a first choice by many traders.

Natural Gas: Natural gas is an energy source that is often used to power homes. Russia contains the largest known reserves natural gas in the world.

Copper: Most people are not aware that copper is all around us. This metal can be found predominantly in pipes and electric wires. Despite its popularity, investors have a love-hate relationship with copper, evidence of the fluctuation in prices according mainly to demand by developed and developing nations.

Platinum: This metal can be found in cars and jewelry along with some electronics. It is perhaps not the most popular commodity available for trade, but does offer some profit opportunities for knowledgeable investors.

Corn: Can be found in found for livestock, along with many processed foods and industrial products. Corn’s popularity has risen in recent years, but it’s still not considered on par with oil and gold.

Coffee: The most popular drink in the world, the value of coffee has changed constantly over the last few years due to droughts in Brazil and several other countries in South America.


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